Congratulations to our Seniors (from left: Laurie Prinz, Elysa Wolf, Scott Roberts and Jessica Conrad) – all proudly wearing their new school logos!
Our summer schedule is in full swing here at Austin Swim Club and Austin Aquatics and Sports Academy. It’s exciting and rewarding to see so many new faces walk through the doors here, but we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge and thank those who are leaving the program for college in the Fall. Congratulations to our Senior swimmers! It’s a time of change, renewal, potential and inspiration and we’re so proud of what our seniors have accomplished both in and out of the pool! A few of them continue to swim with us this summer, both via our Swim Club and Masters Program.

Elysa with her two coaching mentors Head Regents Swim Coach, Josh Geisinger and Coach Brendan Hansen from Austin Swim Club
Elysa Wolf is one of our accomplished swimmers heading off this Fall to Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “I’m so thankful for my team that has also become my friends. I know I couldn’t do it without them,” she says when asked about some of the things she is thankful for during her time here with Austin Swim Club. “I’m also very thankful to have coaches who are actively interested in helping me become better.” Even though, she has been swimming Summer League since she was 5-years-old, Elysa didn’t get serious about swimming until high school where she swam for Regents. She then started swimming club her second semester of her Sophomore year. Needless to say, she fell in love with the sport and plans to continue her swimming career in college.
“I love swimming because it’s both an individual and team sport,” she emphasizes. “You have to remain focused on your own goals, but you also get to cheer for and encourage members of your team.”
A positive team atmosphere is something she hopes to carry with her to college this fall and is so thankful for the positive environment that has been created at ASC and the people who are here that make it happen every day.
What will she miss most about Austin? “Everything,” she said. “It’s Austin.”
We’ll miss you too! Here’s to many more years of swimming success!
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